Contact Information

Those wishing to contact the Outer Banks Detachment may do so through written, telephonic, text, or e-mail inquiries. Our mailing address, phone number, and a general information e-mail address is provided as follows:

Marine Corps League Outer Banks Detachment

Post Office Box 2332

Kitty Hawk, NC 27949-2332

Staff Duty Phone: (252) 305-4768

You may also e-mail a specific member of our detachment staff by utilizing the e-mail addresses provided for each staff member on our "Staff Biographies" page.

View Staff Biographies

Those wishing to contact us are also invited to visit with us at one of our monthly meetings. Our meetings are held the second Tuesday of each month from 1900 to 2000. Meetings are held at:

Kern P. Pitts Center

5375 North Virginia Dare Trail

Southern Shores, NC 27949-5935

You may verify our meeting dates by consulting our detachment calendar.

View Calendar

Meeting Location Map

An interactive map showing the exact location of the Kern P. Pitts Center is provided below. You may use the controls on the map to:

Courtesy of Google Maps and Embed Maps